Saturday, May 24, 2008

Atlanta - we're almost there!

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
about things that matter.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Late, late on Day 8 we reached the Carson's place, outside of Atlanta. They are transplanted homeschoolers from Los Angeles, with three darling girls. We enjoyed New Orleans so much that we left a few hours behind schedule, and, boy, it's a long way from Louisiana to Georgia. They were so kind to wait up for us, and feed us healthy, homemade food at midnight. I was so out of it, I didn't take any pictures of them.

We awoke to the LAST day of the trip. That night we'd be in Asheville! Wow. We were looking forward to staying put someplace for more than 6 hours. But on that last day, we wanted to check out Atlanta a bit. Adele and Stacey convinced us that the MLK Center was really worthwhile, so that's where we went. They were right. It was quite moving and inspirational.

It's run by the National Park system, the 1st park we visited that was in an urban environment. It's in the workng class neighborhood where King was born, and later preached. He and Coretta Scott King are buried there, King's archives and library are there too. It is the official, "living memorial dedicated to the advancement of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., leader of America’s greatest nonviolent movement for justice, equality and peace."

We must build dikes of courage to hold back the flood of fear.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

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